I know you are probably thinking that Shark Valley has sharks. I wondered that myself, so I "googled it". The explanation I found was that the Shark Valley Slough runs through this part of the Everglades, supplying much of the water that feeds into the Shark River. It was at this river where early settlers saw the fins of bull sharks, hence the name. So the sharks are at the mouth of Shark River in the gulf coast not in the Everglades.
Green Heron
American Alligator
Great Blue heron
However, in shark valley there are a wide variety of wildlife. We rode the paved bike / tram pathway. The loop is fifteen miles long. At the halfway point there is the observation tower that is probably the highest point in the Everglades. Looking down from the tower you can see alligators swimming in the water below. If feels like from that vantage over the miles of flat Everglades it is possible to view the curvature of the earth.
An observation tower overlooking the Everglades
Pathway up to the tower
The Everglades if full of fish
Looking down at a Great Blue Heron from above

We had few close encounters with alligators. We also passed a sign warning us of an aggressive alligator on a side trail. The biggest hazard, though, was not colliding with other cyclists, who like us, were paying more attention to the wildlife and not the other cyclists.

Caution Aggressive Alligator in Area
Everglades Shark Valley Information